Play windows games on mac bootcamp
Play windows games on mac bootcamp

play windows games on mac bootcamp play windows games on mac bootcamp

It is fairly easy to install BootCamp, and then boot into Windows to play games. No idea if any of this information is helpful but figured I'd post it just in case: It's not like I'm sitting here playing a high performance game for 10 hours a day or anything like that. IMO I don't want much, just want to play a few games without being frustrated constantly. The games don't even need to be completely maxed out when it comes to graphics and all that, I just want to be able to play them without the constant lagging or freezing that my laptop does. Or that I will spend the money on Windows and then not be able to use it for what I want anyway.

play windows games on mac bootcamp

I'm just really worried that I'll end up regretting buying this iMac instead of another really good Windows PC (even though I do like the Mac better when it comes to everything else except games). Assassin's Creed: Unity is another (please don't judge me for still playing Assassin's Creed), Skyrim, the first two BioShock games. I know they're both available for Mac but I've played them on Mac and much prefer it on PC. If you need an example of games I want to play, as dumb as this sounds, the main ones are The Sims 3 and The Sims 4. I'm not a hardcore gamer so I don't have a lot of games, and most of them are games from Steam or Origin that I would play once and then could uninstall after. Is it easy to use Bootcamp to play games only available on Windows? I don't know anything about how you set up Bootcamp, what kind of memory it uses or anything.

play windows games on mac bootcamp

I love it, but there are a lot of games I want to play that are only available on Windows, and my old PC laptop is too old to play most of them on without getting very, very frustrated. I just recently bought an iMac, it's brand new, like two months old. This is probably asked all the time, and I've done research, but I'm really not tech savvy when it comes to things like this so I'm asking here because I rarely understand what I'm reading anywhere else.

Play windows games on mac bootcamp